1) Connect the phone to PC in USB storage mode and get the data.img from the cwm backup
cp /media/clockworkmod/data.img .
2) compile and build unyaffs which is need to retrieve the files from data.img
download unyaffs.c, unyaffs.h from
wget http://unyaffs.googlecode.com/files/unyaffs.c
wget http://unyaffs.googlecode.com/files/unyaffs.h
gcc -o unyaffs unyaffs.c
unyaffs data.img
3) after extracting the image browse the contact database location
cd data/com.android.providers.contacts/databases
4) use sqlite3 command line client to read the table of contacts
sqlite3 contacts2.db
sqlite> select number,name from view_v1_phones;
ReplyDeleteWell I'm a noob in all this Android stuff. I'm basically a Commerce guy. I somehow bricked my android phone but was able to retrieve this file CONTACTS.DB. I'm a windows user and don't have much of programming skills. I tried using SQLITE DB Browser which does allow to open the file but the data is not meaningful to me. Please help me to get the contacts back in a simple csv or txt format. I need some important contacts and the phone was not synced for quite sometime.
Please help me.