Wednesday, June 6, 2012

How to retrieve contacts from android CWM backup

1) Connect the phone to PC in USB storage mode and get the data.img from the cwm backup
 cp /media/clockworkmod/data.img . 

2) compile and build unyaffs which is need to retrieve the files from data.img 
download unyaffs.c, unyaffs.h from 
gcc -o unyaffs unyaffs.c 
unyaffs data.img 

3) after extracting the image browse the contact database location
cd data/ 

4) use sqlite3 command line client to read the table of contacts 
sqlite3 contacts2.db 
sqlite> select number,name from view_v1_phones;

Intel Corporation XMM7360 LTE Advanced Modem in ArchLinux

The required packages are available in ArchLinux User Repository (AUR) so it will be easier if you can use an AUR helper package like yay . ...